Tel: 01208 78117
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Taxation Advice
We have experienced staff able to offer advice on both business and personal tax.
Are you paying too much tax? Tax planning and mitigation are things every business should do. We can help you with Tax or Income tax on your business profits, VAT, National Insurance, Capital Gains Tax and all other aspects of minimising your payments to the Revenue. There could be good reasons for your business to incorporate. We will review your situation and advise accordingly.
We will help and advise you on the routine completion of your tax return. In addition we can help you with inheritance tax planning and planning to minimise capital gains tax. When inheritance tax kicks in it is at 40% on assets passing on death. Recent property increases can mean that inheritance tax no longer only affects wealthy families. Capital gains tax legislation has recently undergone major changes, making recieving relevant professional advice vital. We believe that it is important to provide the appropriate advice at the outset in order to assist our clients.
Business Tax
Personal Tax
Welcome to Derek Cousens Ltd Chartered Accountants Cornwall
Services include:

We hope to form the relationship with yourselves to enable us to impart our experience to you when you need it most.

Our training staff have many years experience to help you make the most of your finances.

We hope to form the relationship with yourselves to enable us to impart our experience to you when you need it most.